Matteo Bernardini, Yilin Zhu
ACTAM & CMRM Project 2019-2020
Project Structure
Choose a mood as input
2.1 Mapping from mood to music features
2.2 Time signature
We decided to ignore this aspect and simply stick on a 4/4, in order to have a better focus on the other main features and simplify the approach for durations generation.
2.3 Key signature
2.4 Melodic Sequence
2.4 Melodic Sequence
2.5 Pitches
2.6 Durations
2.7 Output format
3.1 Musicology Tools: Music21
3.2 Development Pipeline
4.1 Show Sheet Music
4.2 Play and listen to it
How can we improve this project
Thanks for your attention!
McCormack J. Grammar based music composition[J]. Complex systems, 1996, 96: 321-336.
music21 Reference Documentation
webpack Documentation